Explanation Solar Home System (SHS)
A typical solar home system (SHS) consists of a photovoltaic module, a battery, an electronic control unit, the wiring between the components and “consumers”, such as lamps, a radio, and in larger systems, a television. Mobile phones can be charged via a USB slot.
Such systems are often marketed via a rent-to-own purchase in combination with a "Pay-As-You-Go" function. The customer pays the instalments via the mobile phone using "mobile money". When the operator receives the instalment payment, a token is automatically sent by SMS, which the customer then enters into the SHS via a keypad, resulting in activation for a defined period of time. In the case of solar home systems that have a SIM card installed, the system is automatically activated after receipt of the payment without manual input.
A solar home system can usually be installed within 1-2 hours including PV panel and wiring, either by the seller or by self-installation. The principle applies: one house, one SHS.
In Rwanda, the largest suppliers of SHS with local sales and service structure are Mobisol, BBOX, Zola and Ignite.